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Skincare Routine for Men Over 60

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Grace Michaeli

Skincare Routine for Men in Their 60's

The skin is the largest organ of your body. It’s also one of the most neglected. Until a certain age, we tend not to think about our skin as something that doesn’t require much attention or care. Actually, our skin is a multilayered organ essential for our overall welfare, and dependent on a complex array of inner and outer factors. This is precisely why it demands a skincare routine suitable for each of its phases. 

Your skin is one of the most exposed and vulnerable organs in your body, so you may need to change your thinking and habits. Though skin aging starts in your early twenties, there’s still plenty you can do in your sixties. In fact, it’s the perfect time to not only start thinking differently but also implementing. Let’s get this sixty-and-sexy party started! 

This is precisely why it demands a skincare routine suitable for each of its phases.

This is precisely why it demands a skincare routine suitable for each of its phases.


Your Skin at Sixty

A variety of plainly visible changes begin to occur by the time you are in your sixties. The skin has its own unique anatomy. It consists of three layers (epidermis, dermis, hypodermis), each with its own vital and complex functions. In your sixties, the first two layers of your skin – the dermis and epidermis – grow thinner and begin to lose the gloss and plumpness of younger age.

Your skin becomes less efficient in producing natural ingredients like collagen, a protein responsible for skin elasticity. Oil and fat production slows down, as do the skin’s self-cleaning mechanisms, including sweat production. The skin becomes less hydrated, drier, itchier, more prone to infection. In addition, the sun affects it more easily, causing actinic keratosis, raised reddish crusts, and age spots, small dark patches showing up in places most exposed to sunlight. UV rays cause more damage with age, stimulating melanocyte build-up in areas that produce excessive skin pigment, or melanin, which result in tan, brown, or black “solar lentigines.”

A variety of inner and outer – intrinsic and extrinsic – factors form a complex aging mechanism. Intrinsic factors are genetic, natural, and inevitable. Like the slower regeneration of skin cells and slower autoimmune and anti-inflammatory response. Extrinsic factors are aspects of our surroundings, environmental conditions, and lifestyle choices. Understanding all these factors is key to healthier skin in your sixties. And as much as it may seem hopeless – there are countless things you can do! 


Your skin becomes less efficient in producing natural ingredients like collagen.

Your skin becomes less efficient in producing natural ingredients like collagen.


Choosing Health

Both the inner and outer factors affecting your skin can be addressed. More importantly, you can slow skin aging. The one key factor is choosing mindful health! And loving every moment of it! Savor these little changes that won’t only make you look younger outside, but will also make you feel youthful on the inside. 

Addressing both inner and outer causes of aging essentially comes down to lifestyle choices. Since your skin is more fragile now, treat it tenderly, and include these tips in your skincare routine. Don’t use bar soap or soap-based cleansers and exfoliating agents – alkaline products strip the skin of precious moisture when at this stage in your life it is already dry enough. Keep showers short and use warm, not hot water. Hot water strips the moisture from your skin. Apply soft cloth when washing, instead of rough buff puffs or brash bath brushes which cause undesirable irritation. When drying yourself, use softer towels and pat water from your skin rather than vigorously scrubbing yourself dry. Leave a little water on and apply nourishing and healthy moisturizers to trap the moisture. 


Addressing both inner and outer causes of aging essentially comes down to lifestyle choices.

Addressing both inner and outer causes of aging essentially comes down to lifestyle choices.


Protect and Perfect

The sun is especially dangerous when it comes to aging skin. It causes skin pigmentation, dryness, and the most notorious liver spots. The ideal solution is not to spend too long exposed to UV rays, mostly during peak hours. Also, try to avoid tanning. Whenever you do go outside, apply SPF on all exposed areas, on a daily basis, to reduce UV ray damage. Wear protective clothing, like wide-brimmed hats, and practice your ninja stealth by staying in the shadows. 

The next, and perhaps most important course of action in your newfound skincare routine is retrieving the nutrients and hydration the sun has stolen from you. This should be done with potent products, designed to rehabilitate and protect your skin. This routine should include a moisturizer, but also a face cleanser (to remove bacteria and dead skin cells), a nourishing face mask, and a body wash, that’ll protect the rest of your body. Using these regularly will introduce your skin to the mythical fountain of youth! 


The sun is especially dangerous when it comes to aging skin.

The sun is especially dangerous when it comes to aging skin.


Sixty and Sexy – A Succesful Skincare Routine

Your sixties are for being sexy and smart. Enjoying that rugged sexiness that comes with wisdom, but also actually being clever about your health. See the doctor for regular checkups about spots, itchiness, or any condition that keeps you up at night. Drink plenty of water to hydrate your skin. Maintain a balanced diet with healthy oils, fats, and proteins. Quit smoking, avoid stress, walk to exercise (30 minutes daily), sleep 8-9 hours a day. And of course, moisturize, exfoliate, rinse and repeat!