10 Top Foods That Encourage Collagen Production

You’ve probably heard all about collagen production and how it’s related to the youthfulness of your skin. Perhaps you’ve even tried taking nutritional supplements containing it. But what is really collagen? And aside from being a prominent ingredient in a variety of skincare, why do you actually need it?
As it would seem, collagen has a wide array of benefits and purposes, all of which are good for your skin, bone structure, blood circulated and general health. It is in fact a protein that your body produces and is essential in building bones, muscles and skin. The word collagen itself derives from the Greek words glue and gen, which basically means, it’s the substance that ties everything together.
That is why when we age and gradually produce less and less collagen, we also lose our skin’s elasticity, the connective tissue that brings everything together. But since we’re all about rejuvenation, we’d like to help you regain some of that lost youth. Or in other words; help you produce more collagen in a natural way. What better way than adding a few foods to your diet, sit back, and enjoy time turning back!
Don’t Chicken Out
What makes chicken a great source for collagen is that it contains the necessary amino acids to produce the right amount of collagen. Which makes it not only a great lean meat that you should consider adding to your diet, but also a rich source for collagen.
Kiwis are the less glorified fruit when it comes to collagen production. But this little hairy fruit has plenty to contribute. Filled with vitamin C that interacts with amino acids glycine and proline – this fruit will help replenish your skin!

This little hairy fruit has plenty to contribute.
Leave No Leaf Behind
We all know that green is good for our health. But more than just being healthy, leafy greens can do amazing things for your appearance too. It’s actually the chlorophyll, that influences the color of the leaves, which increases collagen production. So just add a handful of kale, spinach or chard to take your salad to the next level.

Greens are good for your collagen production
Cash in Your Cashews
When you’re ready to kick back after a long day of work, and you’re looking to snack on something nutritious, reach out for those cashews (almonds are good too). These nuts have antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc and cooper – all natural vitamins components that’ll make your collagen working extra hours.

These nuts have all the natural components that’ll up your collagen.
Brilliant Bone Broth
Despite only making it fifth on our list, bone broth is one of the most popular sources for collagen. Simmering different bones into a clear broth, causes the bones to release collagen. The only issue with this solution is that it may take hours to create a high-quality broth. So your best option, that would also ensure a quality product, is buying a pure and prime bone broth.
Be a Little Shellfish
Very much like the bone broth, the best thing about shellfish and fish (with the skin on) is that the scales and bones are packed with collagen. But regardless of what part of the fish you choose to add to your diet, researches show that each and every part of the fish has skin anti-aging benefits. Oysters are particularly rich with copper, which is known to boost collagen production.

Scales and fish bones are packed with collagen.
Citr-you? Citrus!
You’ve probably heard all about the benefits that vitamin C has, but did you know that it’s also a great precursor to collagen? There are several ways to go about it, but whether you squeeze yourself a fresh glass of orange juice or enjoy a grapefruit for breakfast, you’ll be getting that extra burst of youth.

Vitamin C is a great precursor to collagen.
Very Berry
If you thought lemons and oranges are packed with vitamin C, just wait till we tell you how rich in vitamin C berries are. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, are all rich with antioxidants that keep your skin fresh and cleansed. Furthermore, vitamin C will work wonders on your collagen levels.

Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, are all rich with antioxidants
Egg Whites On
Eggs are a wonderful source for proteins in general. But more specifically, they have plenty of amino acids, which as previously mentioned, encourage collagen production. Plus, according to certain studies, egg white proteins build muscle strength which in turn can maintain the skin’s elasticity.
Spill the Beans
Beans and legumes are an excellent protein supplement for vegans and vegetarians. That’s what also makes them packed with amino acids, that serve as a procollagen. Moreover, like oysters, they contain the healthy kind of copper.

Beans and legumes are an excellent protein supplement.