7 Things You Should Know About Male Hair Loss

Male-pattern baldness, also known as “Oh my God, I’m going bald!”, is an extremely common condition. Of course, it’s mostly prominent in men. Usually, the causes of hair loss are natural, that is, hereditary. But there are some unnatural causes, strong medicine for instance. Now, we know that you can rock any look, even that shiny bald scalp, but for many men, baldness is a source of discomfort.
These days, there’s a lot you can do to treat your hair loss. From special shampoos through serums, acupuncture, and even hair transplants – the solutions are all there. But just before you rush to smear natural concoctions on your head, allow us to shed some light on important facts. Some crucial points you need to know, so you won’t be at loss (and we don’t mean your hair).

Usually, the causes of hair loss are natural, that is, hereditary.
Hats – the Myth
Plenty of myths surround hair loss. One common belief is that hair is lost when the scalp is not getting enough air or blood. This leads some to conclude that wearing a hat for too long may cause hair loss because it “suffocates” the scalp. The truth is that hair follicles, the roots of your hairs made up of protein cells, get their oxygen from blood vessels, not from the air. So hats are no harm in this respect. Another related myth is that insufficient blood flow to the scalp causes hair loss, whereas, in reality, reduced blood flow is the result – not the cause – of hair loss.
The Bald Truth
Very much like the hat myth, people are highly misinformed about hair loss. One of the more popular myths pins hair loss on the mother’s side. That is, we know that hair loss is hereditary, but it definitely isn’t your mom’s fault. The gene could come from either side. So you might as well blame your father’s baldness, your son will probably blame you too.

One common belief is that hair is lost when the scalp is not getting enough air or blood.
Bald and Beautiful
In their hunt for hot hair, many people go a bit too far. Frequent chemical hair dying can ruin healthy hair and cause it to fall out. Likewise, excessive use of hair products, or even chemical serums, can weaken the hair and cause it to fall out. Traction alopecia is caused when too much stress is applied to the scalp by pulling hair back too tightly for aesthetic reasons. Too much pressure on the scalp reduces hair production and causes a gradual thinning of the hair. But the good news is that traction alopecia is reversible.
Not by Hair Alone
Though baldness can be rather hot, if you’re looking to prevent it – better start early. However, most men notice their hair loss only after 50% of it is already lost. There are several signs you should look out for: hairline recession, shorter and thinner hair, a slight hair loss at the tip of your scalp. Don’t wait for the hair loss to be noticeable by others. The trick here is to start treating before you lose most of your hair.

Frequent chemical hair dying can ruin healthy hair and cause it to fall out.
It’s All Natural
Don’t blame your shampoo, or your hair washing for that matter. There is a certain rate of hair loss that is actually natural. It’s normal to lose between 50 to 150 strands of hair on a daily basis. Most of these hairs are lost while showering. So, we understand why you’ve been freaking out every time you reach up and end with a handful of hairs. Just make sure you use a shampoo that promotes hair growth and strength, and you should be fine!
A Hair’s Life
On average, a hair strand has a lifespan of 2 to 6 years and is part of a constant growth cycle, where older hair falls out to be replaced by younger hair. Hereditary baldness is caused when hair is gradually replaced by shorter, wispier hair in a process called miniaturization. For some men, it starts rather late but commonly becomes noticeable around the age of 35. Male-Pattern Baldness is a combination of receding hairlines and thinning at the crown and temples. It happens to everyone.

Just make sure you use a shampoo that promotes hair growth and strength
Not All is Lost
Not all hair loss can be prevented, but there are plenty of treatments that can reduce or slow it down. Take for instance, Particle’s new Hair Revival kit. The kit combines a potent Hair & Scalp cream and a Scalp Massager. The cream’s ingredients were designed to energize and revive the hair follicles, while the massager stimulates the blood flow. The combinations between the two fights hair loss and increases hair thickness.