5 Tips on How to Grow a Healthier Beard

At some point in their lives, most men think of growing a beard. But once they try, many men discover that growing their dream beard is more of a challenge than it may first appear. Itchiness and irritation become too much for most to handle and they shave or trim their glorious beard away. But why give up on that natural ruggedness if there are helpful tips out there? And there certainly are!
With our tips, you’ll grow a fabulous healthier beard that will make even the roughest lumberjack jealous. It starts with a healthy attitude – because a healthy beard grows on a healthy body. It’s a mind-beard-body kind of balance. Here are five crucial tips to get you going!

It’s a mind-beard-body kind of balance.
Tip 1: Reducing Stress
Stress has a variety of negative effects on the body overall. Stress increases the amount of cortisol in the body, which negatively affects your testosterone. This in turn negatively impacts hair growth. This is made worse by the effect of stress on your blood system. Stress constricts blood vessels and reduces their ability to distribute nutrients around your body, including your hair follicles. It also typically affects your sleep patterns and sleep deprivation is another factor in poor hair growth.
Stress is often the result of unproductive learned behavior – bad emotional, social, media and, work habits. This causes information overload, further increasing stress. Find a way to reduce or minimize media consumption and you will reduce stress. Learning to get rid of stress-inducing habits is a great first step toward a healthier lifestyle – and a healthier beard.

Learning to get rid of stress-inducing habits is a great first step toward a healthier lifestyle.
Tip 2: Staying Hydrated
Up to 60% of the human body is water. To stay healthy, the body needs a sufficient daily intake of water – which is approximately half of your body weight in ounces. To function properly, every cell, tissue, and organ in the body, including bones and joints, needs water. Our body needs to maintain a certain regular temperature and water is essential for that. If we don’t drink enough, the body cannot remove waste or lubricate the joints. Your overall health is highly dependent on how much you drink.
The skin removes toxins through sweat and sweat depends on whether or not you drink enough. The fewer toxins in the skin, the healthier it is, the stronger and thicker your hair. The more hydrated the skin, the less irritable and itchy it is. It may seem obvious and easy, but in reality, many men neglect this simple but essential rule.

Your overall health is highly dependent on how much you drink.
Tip 3: Shampooing Your Beard
Your body and overall health are essential, but let us not forget about the hair itself. Topical treatment of your facial skin and the hair you have already grown is also crucial. Just like the hair on your head benefits from a proper washing routine, so does your beard. Your beard is a natural repository for all the different forms of dust, dirt and, pollutants filling the air of any typical city. It needs cleaning and nourishing to retain volume and remain vital. Washing on a daily basis reduces itching. It removes dead skin buildup and lets the hairs and the skin underneath breathe and grow. To achieve a healthier beard, choose a good natural shampoo and conditioner and treat your beard regularly to a good moisturizing, revitalizing soak.

It needs cleaning and nourishing to retain volume and remain vital.
Tip 4: Using Beard Oil
Shampooing is one of several steps in a proper beard-care routine. After you’ve applied shampoo and moisturizer, got out of the shower, and brushed your beard with a beard brush, the next step is to massage in a few drops of beard oil. Oil moisturizes the hair and skin underneath, nourishing and soothing it. It reduces itchiness and irritation, adds shine, makes the beard fuller and more vital, and helps sculpt and style it.
When choosing a beard oil for a healthier beard, choose one which includes jojoba oil. Jojoba oil has unique features which make it remarkably close to the sebum which naturally coats our skin. Sebum is a necessary ingredient in skin health and jojoba oil can help supplement and revitalize it.

When choosing a beard oil for a healthier beard, choose one which includes jojoba oil.
Tip 5: Adding Vitamins to Your Nutrition
Finally, complement the vitamins in your beard oil with vitamins in your nutrition. Sufficient amounts of iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, and vitamins A, B, D, and E all play a crucial role in growing a healthier beard. All cells need vitamin A, including hair follicles. Vitamin A also plays a vital role in the production of sebum. Vitamin A can be taken in the form of supplements and in the form of products rich in beta-carotene which the body turns into Vitamin A. Examples of products high on beta-carotene include sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, spinach, and kale. Cod liver oil, milk, eggs and, yogurt also make excellent sources of Vitamin A.
Cod liver oil also contains Vitamin D, which can also be found in fatty fish and mushrooms. While almonds are rich in Vitamins B and E. A diet of leafy greens, nuts, orange veggies, and seafood will greatly increase your intake of vitamins and your chances for a healthier beard.

Increase your intake of vitamins and your chances for a healthier beard.
All of these tips are good advice for life in general. A well-groomed beard is closely intertwined with the body and mind. A healthier beard doesn’t just happen – it requires work. If you’re able to grow a glowing, healthy thick beard, the other aspects of your body and mind are likely in good shape as well. If you’re struggling with your beard, it’s a good sign other aspects of your life might require tweaking. Learn to be patient, endure the itch till it subsides, eat and sleep better, exercise regularly and don’t neglect your skin, detox and destress – and you will significantly increase your chances of growing the beard of your dreams.