Hairy Ears? A Full Guide to Trimming Your Ear Hairs

To trim or not to trim? That is the question every man finds himself asking in front of the mirror at a certain point in life. To embrace those ear hairs sticking out of your ears or take arms against them? The answer is absolutely yes! Unless you want people at a dinner or a party to tell you first. But before you try shoving your electric razor down there, remember that the ear is a tender organ and its skin is delicate. Trimming ear hair is a subtle art. So keep these tips in mind.

Remember that the ear is a tender organ.
The Methods and Madness of Trimming Ear Hair
Wax off: ear waxing exists but needs to be done by experts, otherwise you’ll end up damaging your hearing. Ear waxing removes the hairs by the root, with long-term results. It means you won’t have to groom quite so often. It’s pretty quick and easy. On the other hand, ear skin is sensitive and the procedure does hurt. The reaction might irritate the skin and leave your ears clogged for a day or more. Hair actually serves various functions in hearing, protecting, and balancing. When removed expertly, there’s nothing to worry about.
Get plucky: Plucking sounds like it might hurt too, and it does, but less. On the other hand, unless you’re Yoda, you probably don’t have that much ear hair to deal with. Like waxing, plucking goes to the root of the problem and provides long-term results. Plucking gives you more precision and control. It can be tricky at first unless you are ambidextrous and have eyes growing on long stalks. An arrangement of two or three mirrors can be very helpful. It’s better to pluck one hair at a time – it hurts less and causes less irritation. Be patient, and may the force be with you.
Try x-trimming: trimming is actually the least extreme of these methods. It’s fast and painless and leaves enough hair in place not to leave your skin exposed and vulnerable. Its only downside is that you need to do it more often. Most guys use scissors, but like with tweezers, we recommend you invest in specially designed trimming scissors to avoid hurting your precious organs. They are cheap and easily available. But what’s this? Shopping for scissors, you come across an electric hair trimmer! You turn it on, stick it in… and it’s perfect! Ear trimming will never be the same.

Ear hair trimming will never be the same.
Don’t Forget Protection
Remember that ear skin is delicate. Be patient and learn how to do the job right. Remember that this is not a war. You don’t want total annihilation, just to remove enough. Just the right amount so that you look and feel great too. Overdoing the waxing or plucking will put too much strain on the skin, making it more likely to develop inflammation. Choose your scissors and tweezers wisely and be gentle to avoid abrasions inside the ear. Moisturize in and around the ears, especially if you see a negative reaction. And take good care of your skin overall, to make sure the strain of hair removal doesn’t cause serious side effects.

there are plenty of methods and tools available.
Ear on the Side of Caution
Ear hair trimming has become a must-do step in male grooming. Unless you want to be referred to as the “Bush Man” (which we’re okay with, we don’t judge). If you aren’t going for the shaggier look, there are plenty of methods and tools available. All a beginner manscaper needs is to invest a little time and money in learning what works. And most importantly, to take the skin around and of the ear into account, erring on the side of caution!