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7 Tips on Tackling Hand Care Like a Pro 

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Grace Michaeli

7 Tips on Tackling Hand Care Like a Pro

If there’s anything that Covid-19 has taught us is that our hands are important instruments to our general health. You’ve avoided shaking them, washed them, rinsed, sanitized, and sometimes, even worn gloves. But have you ever stopped to consider what that might have done to the skin of your hands? And if you have, then what does hand care really entail? That is, other than rinsing your hands till their skin dries and cracks. Could there be a way to restore the suppleness Covid-19 has robbed from your skin? 

The answer is positive, of course. With the right kind of skincare (and a handful of effective tips) you’ll be able to restore that smooth touch. After all, handshakes are just about to make a comeback! Here are our winning tips to tackle hand care like a pro. 

With the right kind of skincare you’ll be able to restore that smooth touch.

With the right kind of skincare you’ll be able to restore that smooth touch.

Rinse Right 

Yes, all the myths are true – washing your hands is the first step to keeping any routine of hygiene. But washing your hands too many times could lead to skin dehydration, cracking, peeling, and even cuts. Furthermore, it could rarely be a sign of OCD. So, what is the ‘right’ number? Generally speaking, you should rinse your hands after any contact with dirty or possibly contaminated sources. You should also rinse your hands before touching your face, to prevent spreading bacteria. 

Choose Your Soap 

Choose a hand soap that doesn’t contain harsh chemicals or dyes. Though they might seem like effective antibacterial solutions (which they usually are), they also hurt the skin, especially if you’re suffering from dry skin. Make sure that you choose mild hand soaps. Hopefully, ones that also contain a soothing ingredient, such as aloe vera. Also, for dehydrated skin, choose a soap enriched with natural oils. You’ll thank us later. 

Make sure that you choose mild hand soaps.

Make sure that you choose mild hand soaps.

Keep it Cool 

Who doesn’t love washing their hands in hot water? But when it comes to hand care, this just might be one of the wrong things that you’re doing. The hot water strips the skin from its much-needed natural moisture. Furthermore, if you are already suffering from skin irritation, dryness, and peeling, the hot water might cause these conditions to flare up. Just keep your water cool, and your hand rinsing short. 

To Dry or Not to Dry? 

One last tip on the rinsing process – how should you dry your hands post-rinsing? Drying your hands is extremely important, so don’t simply shake them after they’re washed. Wet hands, apparently, spread germs faster than drier hands. That being said, using a rough towel or air blower would damage dry hands. The best solution is using a clean and soft towel and gently drying your hands without aggravating your skin. 

The best solution is using a clean and soft towel and gently drying your hands.

The best solution is using a clean and soft towel and gently drying your hands.

Trap that Moisture! 

Now that your hands are clean and dry it’s time to trap the moisture. Hand care is all about keeping your skin supple and nourished. The best way to achieve this is by using a good moisturizer. While there are hand moisturizers, you could actually use a good facial moisturizer to achieve the same results. Both your facial skin and the skin of your hands are thinner and more sensitive, and therefore, they can both benefit from the same moisturizer. 

Don’t Tan Your Hands 

Applying sunscreen every day is a fundamental step to any skincare routine. This is especially true for body parts that are constantly exposed, such as our hands and face. Sadly, people tend to skip their hands when it comes to sunscreen. That is, they use their hands to apply the cream to their body, but they don’t thoroughly apply it to their hands (front and back). It is recommended to apply sunscreen to your hands every time you step outside. Otherwise, your hand care would be incomplete! 

It is recommended to apply sunscreen to your hands every time you step outside.

It is recommended to apply sunscreen to your hands every time you step outside.

Hand Care Overnight 

Overnight hand care is effective for two main reasons: first, these are the only hours of the day in which your hands can rest, and second, our skin regenerates overnight, growing new skin cells and expelling toxins. Apply a generous dose of lotion, moisturizer, or even vaseline, and then cover your hands with soft socks or mittens. The heat and the moisture will soften your skin, nourish it and prepare your hands for a supple new day!